Ledger drawing

Ledger drawing on original paper of the “First national Bank” of 1906 numbered sheet n 31. The drawing, made in 1906, is a version of the original made by the famous artist “Howiling Wolf” and called “medicine tent” the drawing describes pictographically the sun dance ceremony performed by the Cheyenne nation with the dancers standing exactly 8 and with the bodies painted in a ritual manner. The dancers are represented with their sacred pipes facing the top of the sacred tree and inside the sacred medicine tent. Probably the drawing that was originally done by Howling Wolf recalls the sun dance of 1874, and before the author of the original painting, was deported to Fort Marion to be imprisoned. The spears on the side of the sacred tent and the symbols are related to the society of which Howling Wolf was a member, namely the Bowstring society.

Item code: LD02

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